Storyboards and Cinematics
Storyboards of the design of the cinematics of level 3, of the 3 different areas of said level.
Interdimensional drinking fountain area, corridor area, and worship hall area.
Final cinematics of the first two areas.
Interdimensional sprue area

Cinematic 1, Anátidas (co-star) and Zacarías enter this room for the first time and have their first encounter with the antagonist (Crishipho).
Interdimensional sprue area
Cutscene 1, Anatidas and Zacarías meet Crishipho in the final puzzle of this area.

Corridors area

Cutscene 2, mill puzzle, where they meet Crishipho again.
Corridors area
Cutscene 3, it occurs to Anátidas to stop chasing Crishipho and go ask his loyal followers.

Worship room area
Cinematic 2, they arrive at the worship room and see the worms (faithful followers of Anatidas) praying to one of the statues of this god.

Worship room area
Cinematic 3, they arrive where the worms are and ask them what they can do to return Zacarías to his house and Anatidas to her body.